University degree at ISIA – State Institute for the Artistic Industries – of Rome.
Art director and Project manager in the design domain: Industrial, Graphic, Exhibition, Service Design.
He has been working professionally for 25 years, first with Studio Random and then with Kromosoma studio. Some of his major clients include: Enel, Rai, Serono, Vodafone, Alitalia, Legambiente, Monini, Airest, Ntv, Eataly, Seleco, Cinecittà Studios, Caritas, Pubblica Amministrazione, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.He is also an Adi Executive Board Member
He alternates his professional work with teaching and training courses at Universities and private schools. he’s also the coordinator and senior teacher of the first Master in Food Design in Europe at IED In Rome