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Getting our facts Str AI ght: Myths and Truths about Artificial Intelligence

Truths and Myths about AI


Considering its impact on how we live, work, and communicate, Artificial Intelligence has been hotly debated. Its anticipated effects have produced many myths and misconceptions about how it is already affecting us and how it will craft the future. Let’s debunk some of those. 

1. AI works like the human brain.

Even though we like to think that AI works and mimics the human brain, it is unrealistic to think that AI is anyway, similar to human intelligence. What’s true is that some forms of Machine Learning have been inspired by the functions of our brain, but that’s the closest it gets.

Artificial Intelligence is a computer engineering discipline; it consists of software tools whose goal is to solve problems. It can solve one task perfectly as long as the conditions of the task remain the same if they slightly change, it fails.

2. AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning are the same thing

Artificial Intelligence is the broadest term of all three. AI involves the simulation of human intelligence processes. Machine learning is an application of AI that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. And finally, deep learning, which is part of machine learning, involves methods based on artificial neural networks inspired by the interconnecting, layered neurons of the brain.

3. AI will take my job.

Truth is, the fear that Artificial Intelligence will replace all jobs is…artificial.

What is really true is that even though AI will possibly replace 1.8 million jobs, it will create 2,3 million.

As automation is making its way to the workplace, concerns are raised, but AI will possibly displace some jobs, not take them away. It will shift and evolve jobs by augmenting how humans complete their work, by replacing tasks, not jobs. On another thought, algorithms cannot be creative, they just can mimic your creativity. Does this mean that you have secured your job for the next 20 years? No. You still need to be future-ready. How? By educating yourself and by employing all your ”human” and creative skills that no robot or human could beat. 

4. Computers are not capable of making art

Well, AI can be artsier than you can imagine. An algorithm created by a French Company managed to paint a classical portrait of a man. The algorithm was provided with more than 15,000 portraits painted between the 14th century to the 20th in order to observe art and then create it. Following the same process, a human would follow, the only difference is that in this case, the artist signed like this; 


November at Pi School is all about AI. We are running the 5th module of the School of AI, and we are hosting talented Εngineers and AI Specialists from all over the world. We are shaping the future by offering a hands-on educational program on artificial intelligence to the brightest minds and challenge them to deliver working prototypes for top-edge companies. Craft the future with us! Learn more about the School of AI

  • Zoe Minogianni

    Social Media Specialist


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